Today I'm making an easy recipe for a popular Korean street food trend. This Korean cream cheese garlic bread is so good and easy to make at home. Hallo semua, ketemu lagi di channel YouTube Atha Naufal, di video kali ini mama atha buat resep korea yg lagi viral.

Korean Garlic Cheese Bread Simpel Here's what you need: butter, garlic, parmesan cheese, shredded monterey jack cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, fresh green onion, baguette. Turn plain french bread into cheesy, garlicky perfection with the best Cheesy Garlic Bread recipe. With three kinds of cheese, herbs and tons of We love our cheesy homemade garlic bread served with delicious Italian dishes like Chicken Alfredo Baked Ziti, Creamy Garlic Penne with Chicken, Easy. Anda bisa memasak Korean Garlic Cheese Bread Simpel memakai 13 bahan dan 4 langkah. Begini cara membuatnya.

Bahan-bahan buat Korean Garlic Cheese Bread Simpel

  1. Bunda butuh 14 buah roti (berat dough 37-40 gr).
  2. Siapkan Bahan cheese:.
  3. Bunda butuh 200 gr gula halus.
  4. Kamu butuh 34 gr keju chedar parut.
  5. Siapkan 50 ml susu cair ultra fullcream.
  6. Anda butuh 50 gr keju quickmelt parut.
  7. Siapkan Bahan saus:.
  8. Siapkan 200 gr mentega (blueband serbaguna).
  9. Anda butuh 3 siung bawang putih,geprek dan cincang halus.
  10. Bunda butuh 2 butir telur.
  11. Siapkan 2 sdm skm putih.
  12. Bunda butuh 50 gr keju chedar parut.
  13. Bunda butuh 1 batang daun seledri iris halus.

Serve alongside pasta, soup or salad! I don't share a lot of indulgent comfort food recipes on here other than desserts, so I figured it was time to share a recipe like this garlic cheese bread. This simple garlic butter is made with butter and a few cloves of garlic. Use this garlic butter for garlic bread, seafood This simple recipe combines salted butter with minced garlic—if you use unsalted butter, be sure to season the If desired, sprinkle with a few tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese.

Langkah-langkah buat Korean Garlic Cheese Bread Simpel

  1. Mixer bahan cheese dengan kecepatan tinggi sampai larut dan creamy kemudian masukkan ke piping bag..
  2. Kemudian siapkan bahan saus. Panaskan mentega masukkan bawang putih masak sebentar. Matikan kompor dan biarkan dingin suhu ruang. Masukkan telur, skm, keju dan seledri. Aduk rata..
  3. Potong roti 6 bagian tidak putus (saya pakai gunting). Oleskan saus disela-sela roti menggunakan kuas, semprot bahan cheese lalu oles lagi dengan bahan saus ke permukaan roti..
  4. Panggang api atas bawah suhu 170°C selama 20 menit. Angkat dan siap dinikmati selagi panas..

There's regular garlic bread, and then there's THIS Cheesy Garlic Bread! Soft on the inside with crispy edges, perfectly cheesy. The perfect amount of garlic and butter together gets smeared all over your bread before anything else hits it. Then, a faultless blend of two cheese: mozzarella and. A cross between garlic bread and pizza, cheesy bread is a quick, easy, and delicious party snack.

Mudah sekali kan membuat Korean Garlic Cheese Bread Simpel ini? Selamat mencoba.