This homemade garlic bread is the answer! Minced fresh garlic is key to these flavor-packed crusty slices, which our big family would snap up before they even had a chance to cool. —Grace Yaskovic, Branchville, New Jersey. Ever wonder how to make garlic bread?

Garlic bread Just Garlic Toast "My favorite way to prepare garlic bread! So simple, so easy and so good. It's the only way for me." - Linda(LMT) Great Garlic Bread "Garlic bread is always great with pasta! Bunda bisa membuat Garlic bread menggunakan 4 bahan dan 6 langkah. Begini cara buatnya.

Bahan-bahan memasak Garlic bread

  1. Siapkan Kulit roti/roti utuh.
  2. Anda butuh Mentega/butter.
  3. Siapkan Oregano/basil/parsley.
  4. Bunda butuh Bubuk bawang putih/bawang putih parut/cincang.

Remove bread when it is toasted golden brown in color. The secret to really good garlic bread is to keep it simple. Be sure to use freshly shredded parmesan for maximum meltiness. Soft garlic bread gets sliced like an accordion (slice as if cutting slices, but don't go all the way through), then slather the butter mixer between the slices.

Langkah-langkah memasak Garlic bread

  1. Campur mentega, basil, dan bubuk bawang putih.
  2. Kalo pake roti utuh kalian bisa oles adonan mentega ke roti.
  3. Karena aku pake kulit roti, jadi aku cairkan adonan mentega langsung terus cemplungin kulit roti ke teflon sambil diadul-aduk biar merata menteganya lengket di kulit roti..
  4. Panggang sampe garing atau sesuai selera..
  5. Hidangkan dengan saos tomat/sambal/mayo.
  6. Selamat mencoba. Semoga suka. Terima kasih..

Wrap the bread up in foil, then bake. This will keep the bread soft while infusing garlicky-butter into each slice. We love garlic bread and this one tops all garlic breads!! Of course, the bread was gone in no time! Garlic bread is a favorite with many dinners and can be made using different kinds of bread.

Mudah sekali bukan bikin Garlic bread ini? Selamat mencoba.